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Galaxies were initially discovered with a telescope and are known as spiral nebulae. Most astronomers in the 18th to the 19th centuries considered them either unresolved star clusters or a submerged nebula, and they were thought to be just part of the Milky Way, but the formation and true nature of galaxies remained a mystery. Observations using larger telescopes began for a few bright galaxies. Nearby, like the Andromeda galaxy where it became into huge clusters of stars, but based on the apparent faintness and the sheer number of stars, the true distances of these objects put them further away from the Milky Way
Tens of thousands of galaxies have been classified and indexed, yet few of them have a unique name, such as the Andromeda galaxy, the Magellanic cloud, the vortex galaxy, and Messier 104. This is because astronomers in their classifications use specific numbers and symbols for each galaxy instead of the traditional names, for example. Classifications: Messier Index, New General Index (NGC), Catalog of Galaxies and Galaxies Clusters (CGCG) and other classifications. All famous galaxies appear in all or in one of these classifications, but each time they are marked with a different number from the other, for example: the spiral galaxy Messier 109 bears the same number in Messier’s index, but in other indexes it carries these numbers: NCG3992 or CGCG6937 and so on. It is common practice in the scientific community to give names to what is studied if it has no name, no matter how small or large this thing studied. To this end, Gerard Bodevy and Michael Berger created a new index system in which they indexed nearly a thousand galaxies, and named each one of them a special name away from symbols and numbers, and these names are derived from the Latin language (and more precisely from the Greek spoken in Latin), by creating a terminological algorithm It uses a name already present in one of the other branches of science such as biology, anatomy, paleontology, and others, and then the name is given to the galaxy. And there are those who argued in defense of this idea that galaxies are of super-size and gigantic size, so they deserve a name instead of numbers that are meaningless, and an example of this name is the Messier 109 galaxy, which got the name as Alamorphis Orsi Majoris, while others see that these names are meaningless and cause A kind of monopoly of names on languages ​​that are already extinct, and this is a result of the severe weakness of the terminology that the English language suffers from compared to some languages, which leads the speakers of it to ruminate words from ancient times and release them to modern scientific discoveries
That is, Arab and Muslim scientists are the first to discover the galaxy, and the first to start contemplating what it is, at a very advanced time from modern science. In addition, the scientific denunciation of the sayings of previous philosophers led to the movement of astronomy from the stagnation it had been suffering for over 1500 years, especially Ibn Al-Haytham, who proved with conclusive evidence the inaccuracy of Aristotle's saying that the galaxy is located between the earth and the moon.


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