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Hair and Skin Care - Makeup - Watches and Jewelry
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As the universe expands, matter and radiation in it become attenuated. However, the energy density of radiation and materials is attenuated at different rates. As a given volume is expanded, the energy density of the mass is changed by increasing the volume only, but the energy density of the radiation is changed by the increase in volume and the increase in the wavelength of the photons that make it up. Thus, the energy of radiation becomes a smaller part of the total energy of the universe and of the energy of matter as the universe expands. It is said that the very early universe was dominated by radiation and radiation was dominating the slow expansion. Later on, given that the average energy in a photon becomes 10 volts or less, matter controls the rate of deceleration, and the universe is said to be "controlling matter." The median state is not well handled analytically. As the universe continues to expand, matter weakens even more and the cosmological constant becomes dominant, causing the universe to accelerate expansion.
Observations indicate that the universe began about 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, the evolution of the universe has passed through three stages. The early universe - still poorly understood - was the second season in which the universe was so hot that particles possessed energies higher than those currently accessible in particle accelerators on Earth. Therefore, although the essential features of this era have been laid down in the Big Bang theory, the details depend largely on known speculations. After this and at the beginning of the universe, the universe continued to evolve according to known high energy physics. This is what happened when the first protons, electrons, and neutrons were formed, then the nucleus, and finally atoms. The cosmic microwave background radiation formed with the formation of neutral hydrogen. The skeleton formation period finally began, when matter began to coalesce with first stars and quasars and eventually galaxies to form.
The early Big Bang appears to explain the universe, but there are many problems. The first is that there is no compelling reason to use current particle physics for the universe to be flat, homogeneous and isotropic. Moreover, the great unifying theories of particle physics indicate that there should be magnetic single poles in the universe that have yet to be found. These problems are solved during a brief period of cosmic inflation, which induces the universe to flatten and prevents anisotropy. The physical model for cosmic inflation is very simple, but particle physics has not yet confirmed it, and there are difficult problems in reconciling inflation with quantum field theory. Some cosmologists believe that string theory and interface cosmology will provide an alternative to inflation.
The future of the universe is not yet fully known, and according to the CDM model, it will continue expanding forever.
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As the universe expands, matter and radiation in it become attenuated. However, the energy density of radiation and materials is attenuated at different rates. As a given volume is expanded, the energy density of the mass is changed by increasing the volume only, but the energy density of the radiation is changed by the increase in volume and the increase in the wavelength of the photons that make it up. Thus, the energy of radiation becomes a smaller part of the total energy of the universe and of the energy of matter as the universe expands. It is said that the very early universe was dominated by radiation and radiation was dominating the slow expansion. Later on, given that the average energy in a photon becomes 10 volts or less, matter controls the rate of deceleration, and the universe is said to be "controlling matter." The median state is not well handled analytically. As the universe continues to expand, matter weakens even more and the cosmological constant becomes dominant, causing the universe to accelerate expansion.
Observations indicate that the universe began about 13.8 billion years ago. Since then, the evolution of the universe has passed through three stages. The early universe - still poorly understood - was the second season in which the universe was so hot that particles possessed energies higher than those currently accessible in particle accelerators on Earth. Therefore, although the essential features of this era have been laid down in the Big Bang theory, the details depend largely on known speculations. After this and at the beginning of the universe, the universe continued to evolve according to known high energy physics. This is what happened when the first protons, electrons, and neutrons were formed, then the nucleus, and finally atoms. The cosmic microwave background radiation formed with the formation of neutral hydrogen. The skeleton formation period finally began, when matter began to coalesce with first stars and quasars and eventually galaxies to form.
The early Big Bang appears to explain the universe, but there are many problems. The first is that there is no compelling reason to use current particle physics for the universe to be flat, homogeneous and isotropic. Moreover, the great unifying theories of particle physics indicate that there should be magnetic single poles in the universe that have yet to be found. These problems are solved during a brief period of cosmic inflation, which induces the universe to flatten and prevents anisotropy. The physical model for cosmic inflation is very simple, but particle physics has not yet confirmed it, and there are difficult problems in reconciling inflation with quantum field theory. Some cosmologists believe that string theory and interface cosmology will provide an alternative to inflation.
The future of the universe is not yet fully known, and according to the CDM model, it will continue expanding forever.
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